Spy phones, for an invisible and continuous surveillance

Is continuous surveillance the answer to your worries? Parents concerned for their kids, fearing that they may end up going out with the wrong company, spouses worried over a suspicious absence or behavior by their husbands or wives, businessmen who suspect that some of their staff, agents or business partners

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A fiber optic interface in our nervous system

Nervous system technology is making huge headways The Dallas-based Southern Methodist University, in cooperation with the US Department of Defense, is working on a research project to improve the life of those who have received a prosthetic limb after having their own amputated due to illness or wounds. How Can

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Perfect Citizen, a real-life Big Brother

According to a report published by the Wall Street Journal, the US National Security Agency, by appointment of the US Government, is operating on a program, called Perfect Citizen, which is aimed at detecting an neutralizing any possible cyber-attacks against private firms and government agencies essential for the smooth functioning

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