Target detection via GPS

Target detection via GPS

Target Detection? The British manufacturer BAE Systems has just signed a 42-million dollar deal with the US Ministry of Defense, to supply the US Army with a laser-based target detection system, which also works thanks to GPS technology.

How target detection can be done with GPS?

This system, which thanks to its configuration is suitable to work in all environmental and weather conditions, or even at night and in conditions of low lighting, is called LTLM (Laser Target Locator Module), and is equipped with a normal optical system for daylight view, as well as an infrared camera for night vision, a digital compass and a GPS receiver; all this technology is packed within a weight just below 2.5 kilograms.

Thanks to the possibility of using LTLM, troops will be able to detect and pinpoint targets at a maximum distance of over 4 kilometers during the day, and approximately 900 meters during night time.
By using it, not only they will be able to detect enemy targets with speed and accuracy, but they will also be able to do it in secure conditions, while saving on weight of the equipment they carry, thus allowing for a better freedom of movement, which in turn translates into a higher flexibility level and a shorter response time in case of enemy threats.

Thanks to it, US armed forces are taking another step forward towards the improvement of their troops’ operating conditions in difficult environments.
The contract signed with BAE Systems includes delivery of an amount of laser pointers up to 200 items per month, for a period of at least 5 years, which means that the total gross value of the supply would exceed 300 million dollar over this period.