A GPS video camera for your outdoor fun

A GPS video camera for your outdoor fun

GPS video camera? Big manufacturers of portable video devices are rushing headlong into the field of the so-called Action Cams, that is, those mini video cameras suitable for being used during outdoor activities which can range from a simple day out in the country with a bicycle to the most extreme of sports.

In the first case, mounting the camera on the bar of your bicycle is enough to have videos shot from the racer’s point of view, while for extreme sports, the video watchers will be able to share this point of view even during a parachute or bungee jump.

How GPS video camera used for outdoor fun?

The latest newcomer in this market niche is ATC9K from Oregon Scientific, an Action Cam which, along with the requisite rugged design that visually identifies this kind of equipment, sports several features which make it suitable for this kind of usage.

For example, like most GPS video cameras of this kind, it is equipped with a GPS video camera sensor which allows it to add geographical coordinates to its video footage, in order to point exactly, on Google Maps or Google Earth, to the exact location of your outdoor activities, as well as tracking the exact itinerary, should anyone want to follow your path.

Videos are shot in high definition (which is now a standard in this field) with a 1080 pixel resolution, and you can even take ATC 9K with you in the water, up to a maximum depth of 20 meters. The images shot are displayed in real time on a small LCD screen with laser pointer, and if you want to view them again on your computer you just have to connect your camera with a USB cable and download.

The manufacturer, on whose site you can purchase this camera, has set a price tag of approximately 300 Euro.