From the U.S, an anti-theft shoe.

From the U.S, an anti-theft shoe.

Bag snatching is on the rise and an anti theft shoe is the cure. Going through dark streets at night to join friends, going back home through desolate streets. In big cities this is not always “a walk”. Indeed, what might seem the norm exposes us to great risks, such as being assaulted and robbed.

Anti Theft Shoe – Your Rescue From Bag Snatches and the Like

In this regard, an American fashion designer has invented a special type of footwear, anti-theft shoes. As you can see from the photo, the bottom of the shoe would act as a safe for money and valuables. The shoes, which are also available with a padlock, according to the manufacturer, will soon replace the so much beloved handbags.

Nothing so clever and not so new. People on the Network are already making pitiless reviews of the anti theft shoe that, in their opinion, are nothing but a useless object for fashion victims. Some people are concerned about the limited capacity of the wedge (think of how many items women carry with them when they go out) and many others for the fragility of the shoe itself.

Some people then do more serious considerations regarding the use of special shoes for the prevention of muggings and for self-defense purposes: how could such an object make you feel safe in case of robbery? Once thieves discover the existence of this kind of things on the market, won’t they be inclined to knock down the victim and steal her shoes too? The same considerations apply to safes hidden in the outlets. Once discovered, they still have reason to exist? There are, finally, people who points out how this object does not represent, in fact, nothing new: think about our grandparents, who used to hide money in socks and other underwear.

Is all this talk about the anti theft shoe making you smile? What about if you were walking in a dark and desolate place, with someone following you? Not sure your shoes will protect you from the mugger? Maybe you can throw them at the attacker, but you should have the best shot. Wouldn’t it be better to adopt a more effective tool as an self-defense spray? Women will judge …