The future of hi-tech with the 5 senses

The future of hi-tech with the 5 senses

5In5, the project of IBM with starring the five senses. If we aren’t yet accustomed to the fingerprint locks and to the access control based on biometric recognition, hardly we’ll be able to accept the five fundamental changes that will be operated over the next 5 years in the field of technology.

What is 5in5?

PCs, smartphones and tablets in a few years will be equipped with the possibility to analyze reality through complex cognitive digital systems. In their turn, users will expand the capabilities of their physical senses interacting with these systems easy to use.

In about 100 years, the PC has raided in the company, in our homes and in our private. With the device can do almost anything: see air travel, talk with friends, spy on your partner, chat, cook, observe the stars and so on. To further enhance the capabilities of electronic devices comes the implementation of the 5 senses.

The computers will be able to see, hear, smell and also have a digital palate and touch. These features will allow to emulate the activities that occur on the right side of the human brain.

But we see the senses in particular. Regarding the touch of 5in5, that sense has entered fully into the touchscreen technology for smartphone and for PC supporting Windows 8. The new challenge involves the perception at 360°, perhaps to feel the texture of the fabrics or the softness of the wool.

As regards the view, we can easily refer to the facial recognition systems. In the future this technology can be used to perceive imperceptible things to the naked eye as a disease for example.

The hearing will be based on existing speech recognition systems, developing beyond the threshold of human and picking up inaudible sounds will be able predict disasters like the collapse of a bridge or a building.
Entirely new will be the development of the digital palate that will allow the elaboration of customized recipes that will link nutritional needs with the personal taste.

Even the smell of 5in5 can be perceived by hi-tech devices, because the slight volatile molecules in fragrances can be picked up by powerful systems. This sense will haven’t only superficial developments, but may perceive before men the characteristic odor of the indicators of infection or other diseases, or reports harmful hygienic conditions.
As you can imagine, therefore, the development of the 5 senses will not be a digital accessory for fanatics of biotechnology, but, if implemented, could have important implications in daily life.