A GPS navigator for surveys and projects

A GPS navigator for surveys and projects

GPS navigator? Apart from guiding us through cities that we do not know, or taking us to our destination avoiding traffic jams, GPS can do much more, especially if integrated with widely used platforms such as for example Google Earth.

An example of this kind comes from CartoGoo, a GPS navigator designed for a professional usage. CartoGoo specifically caters to fields like architecture, cartography, topography, civil engineering, and in general all those applications where surveys on location play an important role.

CartoGoo, as the name may suggest, contains an integrated Google Earth interface, and allows you to visualize the place where you currently are, in the typical formats that you can see when surfing the site.

How is GPS navigator used for surveys and projects?

Once you have your position on the LCD display, you can draw maps directly on the screen thanks to the stylus, import results of your surveys or export your drawings to a computer via the USB cable.

Basically, it will be like having a drawing table in your pocket, with a stylus to draw directly on-screen, and then display the result in real time on a satellite map of your location, even in three dimensions.

In fact, through a real time 3D rendering of the project, CartoGoo allows you to give an immediate evaluation of its results. Certainly, for civil engineers, cartographers, forestry specialists and administrators alike, this can be a breakthrough and a very useful tool for an instant evaluation of their work.
And all this comes in a very small size, without having to carry complicated maps and plans along, making life easier for those who work in this highly specialized field.