Find your way back home safely, thanks to your cellphone

Find your way back home safely, thanks to your cellphone

A safety application is your very best friend. If you find yourself in a city that you don’t know, you may happen to take a wrong turn and, along with losing your way, you might end up on the wrong side of town, where you could have unpleasant encounters and your safety might be at risk. If the city in question is San Francisco or Washington, though, a GPS system comes to the rescue, giving us directions to reach our destination without going through dangerous neighborhoods.

This system, called Stumble Safely, has been developed by a software house based in Washington, a city where crime rate is always on the rise, and is based on a range of data including addresses of bars and nightlife venues, public transport locations, and crime statistics based on the crime location. This is your way to use a safety application and ensure you reach back safely

How Can You Use a Safety Application To Get Home Safely?

In short, by gathering in real time the data coming from the city police database, and by matching the data against the nightlife database, the system is able to give you advice on whether or not you should go to a certain bar tonight, or drive on a certain road on your way back home.

This risk location system allows its users to display in real time, on their smartphone or PC, any dangerous situations nearby; it also informs them about open venues and provides useful info such as taxi companies numbers, open pharmacies, police stations and so on.

For the moment this system is being tested in San Francisco and Washington DC, but should the test be successful, it would surely be a useful tool to enjoy an evening out with friends or come back home (or rather, stumble) safely after a day at work or a night shift.