Electronic voice changers

Electronic voice changers

Electronic Voice Changers? Living in the age of telecommunications and of information accessible to anyone anywhere, means that often we may find ourselves facing unpleasant situations, caused for example by the fact that our phone number may end up in the wrong hands due to the extreme accessibility of data for those in the know.

To protect us from any possible intrusion of our private life that takes place by phone, the most common solution is changing your phone number or having it removed from public directories. This solution though, aside from being inconvenient if you are using your phone for work and have to inform all your contacts about your new number, still has a degree of risk, as a smart detective could easily trace your number.

How Electronic Voice Changers help?

Instead of changing your number, you can think about changing your voice! All you need is a small electronic device, connected to your landline or mobile phone, and you will be able to pretend that you are someone else.

Thanks to these electronic voice changers, in fact, it is possible to select preset options, to make your voice sound like a man, a woman, an older person or a kid, as you like.

All this happens in a completely natural way and without metallic sounds, as the voice changer works on the different frequency ranges of the human voice, altering the pitches thanks to an algorithm which changes the voice without peaks that may sound artificial. Furthermore, it is also possible to add sound effects like a barking dog, a crying infant or a doorbell ringing, giving you an excuse to close an unwanted call.

To save you from creditors, sales people, ex boyfriends who just don’t get it, instead of changing your address or your phone number, just change your voice!