How does a Spy Phone work

How does a Spy Phone work

Spy Phone? The software that turns your ordinary handset into a spy mobile works in a completely invisible fashion, in order to avoid arising any suspicion in its user or alert him, so that he can keep using his phone normally and reveal all his secrets to you. This is made possible by the opportunity to control the Spy Phone remotely, by sending text messages in a particular format.

With a simple SMS you will be able to configure the spy telephone options, activating or deactivating its environmental or telephone call eavesdropping functions.
Furthermore, the spy cellphone is capable to intercept environmental conversations using the microphone to pick up sounds within a few meters range; this function can also be enabled or disabled with a text message.

During a Room Monitor call, the phone appears to be in standby mode, but if it receives an incoming call, or any key is pressed, environmental listening is immediately cut off, to avoid unnecessary attention.
This kind of eavesdropping is possible even while your spy telephone is off. In this case, a phone call from any number other than the preset controlling number would result in a “phone off” message.

What are the basic functions of a spy phone?

The basic function of a Spy Phone, though, is the one which allows you to listen to phone calls in real time, comfortably on your cellphone, whose number has been previously set as controlling phone. When the spy cellphone is engaged in a call, it will automatically (and discreetly) send an SMS towards the controlling number, from which you will have the opportunity to call and listen in without being noticed, if the conversation is of your interest.

Of course, a spy mobile phone has many more functions. If you want to find out how it works, we advise you to visit the Endoacustica website.