An optical borerscope to see in hidden corners

An optical borerscope to see in hidden corners

At any time, in our home, we may happen to lose small objects which, as it happens, end up in the most hidden corners, just where we really can not get to them or even see them; or our female readers may happen to lose an earring while they are driving, and not be able to locate it.

In order to solve this kind of problems, but also for professional applications in several different fields, technology lends us a hand by bringing us an spy opticalĀ borescope. The borescope is bade up of a long flexible thin tube, which at one end houses a miniature camera, and on the other one has a viewfinder, but in case of need can also be connected to a laptop or PC.

What is a spy optical borescope?

By placing the flexible tube in a hard-to-reach corner, one can easily see if anything is concealed there, even if you do not have a direct view. This type of technology has a wide range of applications, not only for this kind of personal use, but most of all for professional use.

Just think, for example, of how much a device of this kind can do for a mechanic, who will be able to inspect the inside of the tubes running inside the engine of a car, searching for any cracks or imperfections, or for a plumber who will be able to do the same with water pipes, without having to spend too much energy to detect any leak which may become dangerous if not treated in a timely fashion, as well as it will be possible to inspect gas pipes to prevent potentially fatal leakages.

Furthermore, in the countersurveillance field, a fiberscope may be your best friend when you need to inspect recesses where a bug, a micro transmitter or a hidden microphone may have been concealed.
For more information on how fiberscopes are working, we recommend that you visit the Endoacustica website and contact our experts.