Is your home totally protected during holidays?

Is your home totally protected during holidays?

Totally Protected? We are in the middle of the holiday season, when most of us have their mind completely focused on sea for some, mountains for others, countryside or monuments to visit, but certainly, not on office, work or on their home. But still, there are some people who certainly are very interested in homes of those who are carelessly going on holiday, and this thought does not certainly have a friendly intention.

We are obviously talking about burglars, for whom summer season is a real godsend, and unlike most normal and legal businesses, it is also the most profitable time of the year. Experts in taking advantage of a window not properly sealed, a scaffolding left standing waiting for September, an anti-theft system switched off or, worse, not present at all, thieves are holidaymakers’ biggest fear, capable of spoiling the memories of a nice holiday with a bitter surprise when coming back home.

Is your home totally protected?

To be able to sleep tight and enjoy holidays without having to constantly think about security conditions at home, the best advice is certainly to provide yourselves with a totally protected an anti theft system, which keeps the bad guys at bay or catches them red handed allowing police to capture them.

To achieve this totally protected result, technology comes to the rescue with a set of security devices, which not only can give a loud alarm with the good old siren but are also capable of detecting movements inside the area to protect, and function actively, with a phone call or by recording video footage of what is happening around them.

For example, DVR Sensor is a device for totally protected home surveillance which, thanks to an infrared sensor, can detect any movement within its coverage area. On the inside, it contains also a miniature video recorder, therefore, as soon as the sensor picks up something wrong, the video recorder would start working and tape everything that happens, while an external alarm may set the siren off, thus causing burglars to leave the place, with your belongings untouched and unharmed.

Another interesting option is for example a real advanced spy telephone to be used at home, which apparently looks just like your ordinary landline home phone. Actually, just like the DVR Sensor, this phone contains a motion sensor with adjustable sensitivity levels, which can pick up any movement within a 10-meter area.

Thanks to this sensor, as soon as something suspicious is detected, the telephone would immediately be activated, and it would automatically start a phone emergency call towards a preset telephone number, which may for example be your mobile number, or the number of the local police station.

At that point, it will be possible to listen in real time to what is happening and try to identify the source of any noises and sounds around the phone, and in case of need, police forces will be able to intervene. The phone call would be started in a completely invisible way, so that any burglars would not realize that they are being monitored and will be caught completely by surprise in case the police decide to pay a visit.

These are just a few examples of the several options that modern technology gives us when it comes to protecting our home during our absence, be it short or long, for work reasons or to enjoy a totally protected well deserved holiday.

For more information about audio or video surveillance systems for our home or office, we recommend that you visit the Endoacustica website, and contact our specialists for a tailored advice.