Spy phones, for an invisible and continuous surveillance

Spy phones, for an invisible and continuous surveillance

Is continuous surveillance the answer to your worries? Parents concerned for their kids, fearing that they may end up going out with the wrong company, spouses worried over a suspicious absence or behavior by their husbands or wives, businessmen who suspect that some of their staff, agents or business partners may have a personal interest in their job, police forces or government agencies that need to gather evidence and sensitive information to frame a suspected criminal or a spy.

Want To Know How to Use Continuous Surveillance?

All these kinds of people or professionals might have an interest, either to be reassured or to have their worries confirmed, in keeping a constant watchful eye on the person under observation or surveillance; on the other hand, though, it is difficult to keep someone under control without arising any kind of suspicion that may prompt them to change their habits or, in any case, to keep a low profile.

To avoid this, while keeping a high surveillance level, and most of all without having to chase or follow your suspect, modern technology allows us to stay in constant touch with our subject, no matter how far he or she is, thanks to the opportunity given by a sofisticated spy mobile phone.

A spy mobile phone, even looking at it thoroughly, has absolutely nothing different from your ordinary mobile phone. In fact the difference lies deep inside, where an absolutely invisible software is installed, which even the savviest user will not be able to detect.

Thanks to this software, we can keep a continuous connection with the spy mobile phone user, and while they are totally unaware, listen to their phone calls in real time, read all their text messages both sent and received, detect their geographical coordinates at any time ( if the phone is GPS-enabled) or, if we are too busy to listen in real time, we can comfortably receive an audio file by email, which contains a recording of received or placed phone calls; furthermore, we will be able to listen to conversations taking place AROUND the mobile handset, even if the phone is turned off.

All this can be done without having to be anywhere near this advanced spy Phone, apart from the time required to install the spy software, that is, just a few seconds. Once this software is installed, it will be possible to control and configure it by sending simple SMS messages, which will be intercepted by the software and handled as operating instructions.

The spy software would alert us on a preset number (that is, our cellphone number) when a call is going on for continuous surveillance, allowing us to listen in without alarming the talking parties; it sends is a copy of each SMS sent or received, or by sending a simple text message it will reply by sending us geographical coordinates of the phone (and of its user) which we can easily use to track down the exact location of this awesome spy telephone and its user.

Should our suspect refrain from talking about sensitive subjects on the phone, they will be a bit more relaxed when not using it. This is exactly when the spy cellphone shows how useful it can be for continuous surveillance, by using it just like a bug to listen to conversations around it via the microphone. All we need is to call it, and the surveillance software will automatically answer, without giving out any sign of activity which might make people suspicious, and allowing us to listen in.

All the spy phone activities happen invisibly, and even copies of SMS are sent without entering a record in the sent messages log. In practice, even the smartest mobile phone programmer will not be able to figure out that what looks like a normal handset is actually a Spy Phone.

For more details and information on how Spy Phone works, on the available models and their prices, we recommend that you visit the Endoacustica website, and contact our experts who will certainly give you the right advice for your needs in terms of surveillance.