The human brain can be backed up like a hard disk

The human brain can be backed up like a hard disk

Human Brain back up? The name Raymond Kurzweil, for the majority of the general public may not mean that much, but he is one of the great gurus of modern technology, able not only to invent the first music synthesizer which could perfectly imitate the sound of the piano, thus overcoming one of the major limitations of electronic keyboard instruments, but also to predict, back in the eighties the development of the Internet as we know it now.

In addition to this, Kurzweil has contributed to progress with the inception of technologies such as voice recognition and human brain back up, but also with theories that bear witness to his visionary talent, such as when he envisioned the advent of a modern society in which all information could be obtained through computers connected in a worldwide network, a vision that at the time raise more than an eyebrow …

How human brain back up can be taken?

So when Kurzweil talks about the future and a human brain back up, you should listen to him. According to his last prophecy, in twenty years from now it will be possible to make a copy of the data in our human brain, a sort of backup copy which, just like the contents of today’s hard drives, could be easily saved on USB drives, and brought safely to consult it when needed, not only by the “owner” of the copied brain, but by others, and possibly also by his heirs after his death, to relive his memories and access to any knowledge that the deceased may have left behind, by reading the data through a search engine.

Theoretically, thanks to nanotechnology, this scenario is already possible today. Again, because of microscopic technologies, it will be possible, according to Kurzweil, to have micronized robots implanted in the human body, which would flow in our blood vessels to detect and cure any diseases, and to give us advice on habits we should follow, foods we should eat and medicines to take. In a few words, it will be a sort of Big Brother inside us, but (apparently) well-meant.

Who knows, maybe in the future, once the technology to make a backup copy of our brain is found, there could be a way to restore it, that is, to reinstall the data of a deceased person’s brain into that of a younger one, thus rendering eternal, if not his life, at least his knowledge and his memories.

The scenario is not exactly reassuring, but who knows, maybe in twenty years we will find a way to use all this knowledge in constructive ways.