A voice changer, a useful defense from telephone harassment.

A voice changer, a useful defense from telephone harassment.

How can a voice changer device help you? Stalking is a phenomenon that we often happens to read about on papers, when we see reports about of annoying fans of actresses, singers and celebrities who follow them everywhere, harassing them by phone and in some cases even reaching extreme consequences, with attacks such as the one that claimed the life of John Lennon in 1980.

Get a Voice Changer Device Today!

Unfortunately, however, it is only famous people who can fall victims of this kind of harassment: every day we can see news about rejected ex boyfriends who attack their ex, or they “simply” call them on the phone at any time, day and night.
To protect oneself against this kind of occurrence, there is a simple and painless way that does not even require changing your phone number or even your home address: Just change your voice!

This is made possible through the use of a voice changing device, a simple box which, when connected to your home phone or your mobile handset, works on the frequencies of the human voice, so that when you speak normally, your counterpart on the other side of the receiver will think that they are talking to someone else.

This device, in fact, can change the voice in an absolutely natural and clean way, with no metallic tones, making you sound like a man, a woman, an elderly or young person, or even a child: a great way to protect yourselves from telephone harassment, not only of this kind but also by annoying creditors or telemarketing companies, without having to hide or change your address.

To find out in detail how the voice changer works, and discover the range of available models, as well as several items for protection of your privacy, we recommend that you contact Endoacustica, an industry leader with many years of experience in the security field at your complete disposal.