The technology applied to the surveillance at school

The technology applied to the surveillance at school

With the increasing use by the young people of smartphones, tablets and electronic devices with internet connection, it became necessary to take countermeasures in order to ensure the smooth conduct of tests, exams and competitions. It’s clear the absolute prohibition of any technological aid during the written tests. Obviously the advices of discouragement aren’t enough to inhibit the employ of these tools.

And so the italian school principals have asked to the Minister of Education to assess the possibility to use, in the examination centers, of electronic devices designed to detect the presence of cell phones on or even in stand-by.
Let’s see how they work. These are systems that work with a range of about 30 meters. As soon as they locates a cellphone they can alert in different ways: with a red light signal, with a sound alarm, or sending a message to the user asking him to turn off the device.

Cell Detector for Your Classrooms

In the case of Endoacustica Cell Detector, the device doesn’t detect only the phones in use (for a conversation or in sending data), but also those are in stand-by mode.
The usage is very simple, suitable even for less experienced teacher. Just a few minutes to set various operating parameters and put it to work immediately, configuring it to your liking the level of sensitivity and volume of the notice. Once in action, the cell detector’s batteries allow a range of use of more than one year, all in a discreet manner, simple and above all, absolutely legal.

In short, students that intended to copy thanks to its smartphones should start studying seriously. In fact we have to contradict students who have judged unreliable these kinds of tools and who believe that it takes months for the delivery of the same. The Endoacustica products are professional and of highest level, used by leading investigative agencies; the same can be found on the website, ordered and delivered in a couple of days.