Everybody wants drones

Everybody wants drones

In the U.S. everybody wants a drone, many civil administrations have request them. The Federal Aviation Administration is looking for six sites where realize tests to the use of drones (unarmed) in national territory and it has received offers from numerous organizations from 37 states. There isn’t money for the project, but most of the proponents believe in future applications in the security field to show that, in the fight against crime, they are unbeatable.

The idea is to use video surveillance systems like drones to observe with bird’s-eye view the cities, but in different parts of the U.S. there is a high intensity of air traffic and drones could pose a danger. Added to this are the issues related to privacy and intrusiveness of government in the private lives of citizens.

The Best of Video Surveillance Systems – Drones

Over time, it’s clear the risk of abuses of all kinds: the drones will end up into the hands of anybody and they could be used in private. Excellent video surveillance systems have been already adopted by many administrations without having the need of drones and damming, in the same way, incidents of crime.

There isn’t doubt, instead, about the drones success in military field. From the entry in office of Obama to now, the robots have taken part in many military campaigns, including Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, killing many victims. In Pakistan, the drones are controlled directly by the CIA.

More than half of American citizens appreciate the fact that the soldiers in the flesh and blood don’t risk their lives.

In short, the unmanned aircrafts attract the attention of many countries that haven’t the resources to manage air force. The Americans obviously are advantaged and they are keen to remain so; they don’t exclude the application in other fields such as marine or forestry.

There remain many shadows about the use of drones in the field of civil security. At the moment exist on the market powerful video surveillance systems that have little or nothing to envy to the robot and, above all, they don’t jeopardize the privacy of citizens.

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