Protect yourself from illegal cell phone tapping!

Protect yourself from illegal cell phone tapping!

If you are used to networking in search of easy solutions against the unauthorized cell phone tapping issue, you may be disappointed. Just like that, because the overwhelming problem of phone privacy, especially that one concerning mobile networks, has long since exceeded the limits, so much to induce public opinion to wonder whether it is still correct to talk about data confidentiality today.

However, until to spy on each other are the world’s governments, it might not bother you at all, but what if you suddenly realize that the interceptor is the same fellow you cordially greets every morning with your best smile ever?

Maybe we are going a little bit too far. However, concerning the business world, sometimes the problem proves to be dramatically real. Actually, it is not uncommon to find glaring examples of unauthorized cell phone tapping in the case of entrepreneurs spied on by evil competitors or business partners, as well as politicians tapped during electoral campaigns, or even manufacturing executives robbed of industrial, military, or government secrets. Then you have been warned! Out there hidden in the ocean of bits and voice data, someone could be listening to your mobile conversations!

How does a cell phone tapping operation carry out?

In the intelligence field, there are some types of equipment, such as the GSM Interceptor, which simply pretend to look like a GSM cell phone bridge, so that your cell phone will connect through the spy device instead of directly connecting itself to the cell phone bridge operator. In other words, you come true to the condition technically called “man in the middle”.

Untraceable anti-tapping mobile Stealth Phone: the real solution to finally get rid of these dangerous individuals

The undetectable mobile Stealth Phone is a normal GSM cell phone specially designed to protect you from any physical onsite mobile tapping. Not only. It also allows you to send or receive encrypted SMS available between two or more Stealth Phones, providing the user with a full-fledged defense against the pirates of phone privacy.

A Stealth Phone basically works on three levels:

  1. Checking and verification of connection between the cell phone and the network operator used
  2. Change of IMEI code (the univocal identification code of every mobile phone). When the IMEI changes actually it is as if you have got a new cell phone in your hands!
  3. Sending and receiving of encrypted text messages. This really provides a secure SMS communication channel.

In light of what we just said, you should not be surprised that this awesome mobile phone has quickly become a standard in the security of corporate, military, political, or private mobile communications. So what more do you want from a smart device which also warns you in time to block any cell phone tapping attempt?

Find out more on the untraceable/undetectable mobile Stealth Phone!

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