Home security: a micro recorder can effectively serve the purpose too!

Home security: a micro recorder can effectively serve the purpose too!

When it comes to talking about digital micro recorders, usually are meant all those spy operations used in listening to any sound or speech heard within a room. Actually a very few people know that a spy voice recorder can be also used as indoor passive listening/recording device. Let’s try to understand a bit more.

Imagine for a while you are being forced to entrust your child to a new babysitter, to leave your loft at the mercy of unknown bricklayers or to go away for the so long-awaited weekend. Actually, in the mentioned situations, it is more suggested to rely on a spy micro camera, anyway a spy recording system can also serve the same purpose in order to put an environment under audio control. But only provided your ear is so well-trained to translate a suspect word into a noteworthy behavior.

Get the best micro recorder for your needs

The BLACK-BOX mini digital micro recorder is very appreciated in most similar cases, cause it has a low cheap button battery able to provide up to 150 hours of activity, which means 30/40 hours of real recording working on 11KHz sampling rate. Thanks to its tiny size (only 32x14x6 mm!) the device can be also concealed in many places i.e. small household items, drawer boxes, fake clocks etc.

Of course we are talking about of one of the best micro recorders available on the market. The reason is simple: it acts as a true “black box” for recovering of all audio recordings. After the job is done, you can in fact safely remove it from its location and upload audio files to your pc letting them start playing with your favorite audio player, better if equipped with equalizer or audio filter for a clearer listening.

BLACK-BOX mounts a sensitive microphone, able to capture audio even being at a distance of 12 meters away the sound source. It is also able to start recording automatically when getting sounds or conversations, thanks to its integrated VAS system. Additionally to those unbelievable features, this mini voice recorder uses a setup management software allowing you to adjust the recording quality and times. Not only. It may also make the recorded files inaccessible to third parties as the device is in no way recognized by another pc not having the same management interface software.

To get more details and price about Black Box, please call to:

+39 080 3026530 (Bari) / +39 02 00696593 (Milano), Whatsapp 3457502269, or visit our site.