How to protect your smartphone from being tapped using encryption tools

How to protect your smartphone from being tapped using encryption tools

How can you protect your own privacy on smartphone or other mobile devices from hackers and data thieves is not easy, actually not even impossible if you have decided to take advantage of special hardware contrivances as well as to install the right tools on.

That’s the reason why we are going now to talk about all those security programs and devices which have proven a substantial effectiveness in mobile data protection: encrypted calls and text messages, safe virtual spaces, security apps, and many other defense tools that can really help you, provided you turn to competent companies which have been on the countersurveillance market for years. So our advice is always the same: beware of those unreliable vendors on the net!

Kind of data encryption software to protect your own privacy on smartphone

Protection from illegal mobile phone data theft essentially moves in two directions:

  1. implementation of security apps running with data encryption algorithm;
  2. special mobile phones able to protect the phone from active and passive eavesdropping systems (i.e. GSM interceptor, IMSI catcher etc.).

The first group includes those kind of software/devices (eg encrypted cell phones) using an encryption system for secure sending and receiving of calls, email, SMS, and so on. In the second case we mean anti-tapping cell phones, also called stealth phones, able to protect the user by alerting him to possible interception attempts.

A defense helpful to anyone, even to optimistic people or occasional communicators!

At this point some of you maybe might reply: “Actually I don’t have important data to protect!” or: “Why do I have to use this software if I do not spend much time on cellphone?” Well, let’s just say that even when you surf the net via smartphone you are exposed to very high risks, especially if you attend social networks or visit on line shopping web sites. So again what about  mail messages affected by malicious viruses able to crash a whole mobile operating system?

In short, both whether you install them for defense or just ’cause you never know’, a security software or an anti-tapping mobile phone will help you to keep yourself away from many risky situations. To know more about the effectiveness of this incredible kind of products take a look at this page.