Unfaithful husbands, beware of spy mobile phones!

Unfaithful husbands, beware of spy mobile phones!

Unfaithful Husbands? During the course of our work, we happen to step into strange cases, and situation weirdly funny if they were not true. Such a case happened recently to a female customer of ours, who was getting increasingly suspicious about her husband and asked for our cooperation.

The lady’s husband is often travelling for business, and since approximately one year he started going frequently to Germany, a country he had seldom visited in previous years. This tickled our friend’s female instinct, and she immediately turned to us to ask for some piece of advice.

How unfaithful husbands caught by a spy phone for cheaters?

It took her a while to decide to use a spy phone for cheaters that is, a normal mobile phone, enhanced with the installation of an invisible software which turns it into a real spy following its unaware user.

She bought her husband a spy cellphone for his birthday, and he was just happy to start using it right away, without knowing that his every call could be listened to remotely, and any SMS sent or received could be read from his wife, no matter how far. On top of that, a spy phone also works like a listening device, a bug that transmits the sounds around it, even while the spy phone for cheaters is turned off.

And thanks to this latter function, our client found out that the reason for her husband’s frequent trips to Germany was not exactly professional, since instead of visiting new potential customers, he was visiting a famed bordello in the outskirts of Frankfurt, a place where a certain kind of pleasure goes hand-in-hand with the city’s business reputation.

I can’t add further details, but sure enough I would not have wanted to be in her husband’s shoes upon his return…