Bug in the Line

Bug in the Line

Bug? Mr. Mittal couldn’t wait for long to tell his friend and entrepreneur Mr. Maitra about how he plugged the hole in the office telephone line that drained his accounts. Amidst the hustle bustle of weekend party thrown by one of his associates, he cornered Mr. Maitra, a CEO of leading switchgear firm.

Mr. Maitra couldn’t believe his story. How can a device such small in size can do wonders like monitoring even the smallest of noise and conversation in a hall of 12sqm? And that too, with crystal like clarity! And more seriously, are there any such ‘drainers’ in his office? There was no open way to find out. The only solution was to implant some spywares that monitored activity especially communication.

How a UHF Telephone Bug is efficient in someone’s life?

He visited Mr. Mittals office the next day and came out with awe. He wanted similar system installed at his office as well. He immediately called engineers from Endoacustica Europe that deals in various spy listening devices. He was surprised to know about the wide range efficient products that were worth investing into. Just to get a trial he got UHF Telephone Bug installed in his office.

In fact, installation is too big an activity to name. He only had to change old telephone socket with the new one that contained hidden UHF Telephone Bug. It’s that very simple! It utilized power supply directly from the telephone line.

The effects of this device were visible on Mr. Maitra’s face! And for the next party, he was ready with a story!