GSM listening devices

GSM listening devices

GSM listening devices? Long distance listening devices have reached such a level of miniaturization, versatility and reliability that allows anyone who needs to use them to find the right type for his needs, be it law enforcement agencies hunting for criminals, concerned husbands wishing to check on their wives’ fidelity, or businessmen who need to keep a watchful eye over their staff.

To be always able to keep under control the subject of surveillance, whatever the distance between him and the person who is monitoring him, the best solution is using a GSM bug, that is, a hidden microphone, powered either by a battery or by continuous or alternate current, connected to a SIM card just like the one of our common mobile phone.

How GSM listening devices help in surveillance operations?

Thanks to this ingenious system, it is possible to follow your subject anywhere he goes, without risking to screw up the entire surveillance operation by arising unnecessary attention, as it will be possible to stay in constant touch with a simple phone call towards the number connected to the covert listening device.

To be sure about the operation’s efficiency, most of the GSM bugs are equipped with an automated activation sensor which allows to detect a voice, a motion or, if installed inside a car, can detect when the vehicle is switched on. Once an event is detected, the bug will automatically call you towards a preset number to inform you that the person under control is moving or talking, and allow you to listen in.

GSM listening devices can be remotely controlled and configured; in fact, by sending a simple SMS, you can set the number that controls the hidden microphone, as well as sensor sensitivity parameters, or even reset the whole device, in order to optimize your surveillance operation and sleep tight!.

For more information on any kind of GSM listening devices, as well as on a wide range of security and surveillance-related items, you can visit the Endoacustica website.