Protection from interception, a modern need

Protection from interception, a modern need

Protection from Interception? On Italian newspapers today, wide coverage was given to the news that Carlo De Benedetti, editor of the centre-left newspaper La Repubblica, since long taking a stance on opposite positions compared to the Prime Minister Berlusconi, has found out that some hidden bugs had been planted on his car, with the obvious intention of eavesdropping his conversations during his journeys.

This shows that the political arena in Italy is getting increasingly dirty, and most of all serves as a warning to those who wish to keep their conversations private. Nowadays, in fact, privacy has turned into a value to be protected at all costs, especially for the powers that be or for those, like De Benedetti, who find themselves keeping an opposite stance to those powers.

Interception Protection Devices Can Save Your Data and Life

Therefore, to keep your privacy protection both in your office and during your way from home to work or your business journeys with interception protection devices, it is certainly useful that among other precautions, you also provide yourselves with an interception protection system, which accurately monitors the environment around it, simply by flooding it with a range of radio waves.

Thanks to such detection systems, it is possible to find hidden transmitters operating on a wide range of radio frequencies (for example between 1 MHz and 6 GHz), either hidden in a car or in your offices, or even buried inside a concrete wall.
There are also some detectors capable of revealing the presence of a GSM transmitter which uses the telephone network instead of airwaves.

Certainly, due to his position and visibility, De Benedetti might be equipped with such systems, and they were certainly useful to thwart this intrusion of his privacy, probably orchestrated by political rivals. But those among us who need to protect their personal and business affairs from dangerous prying ears and eyes, can certainly find comfort in a bug sweeping system, specifically tailored on his needs.