GSM Bugs

GSM Bugs

GSM bugs are covert listening devices which, in order to transmit their intelligence, use the mobile phone network, thanks to a SIM card installed on them.

Among the endless possibilities offered by the eavesdropping devices market, the usage of a GSM bugs has become more and more widespread, especially in the last few years, thanks to the possibility of carrying out surveillance operations without distance limits or radio coverage problems, this safeguarding the listener’s security and privacy, as he will no longer need to be hidden nearby but will be able to be sitting literally anywhere.

Why is GSM bugs popular?

The increasing popularity of GSM bugs is due to the fact that they only come with advantages, such as the clarity of their signal (thanks to the digital network), the possibility of sending said signal worldwide just like you would do with a normal phone call, and all this without having to use any particular receiving device other than a normal mobile phone.

Our GSM-001 listening device is made up of a small shell with two cables, used to power the device and to connect it to a microphone with high sensitivity features. On the inside, along with the housing where the SIM card is placed, you can find a processor which manages all of the bug
‘s functionalities.

Generally, for all other covert listening devices based on GSM technology, one has to call the SIM card’s phone number to start listening in. In this case, the device is equipped with a high-sensitivity automatic activation sensor, which makes it possible to have the bug place a call towards a preset number. This happens when its built-in sensor detects a movement, a sound or, if planted inside a car, when the vehicle is started.

Furthermore, programming the settings can be done without being physically near the bug, as you just need to send a simple text message in a particular format, to make sure that the processor reads it as an operating command, enabling or disabling the relevant functions, or setting the sensitivity level of either the microphone or the sensor.

By sending an SMS it will be possible not only to change settings of the various functions, but also to reset the bug, in order to prevent it from being intercepted by any bug sweeping devices nearby. We will also be able to set up the telephone numbers enabled to control the bug, those towards which it will send a text notification, or those to be automatically called as soon as the sensor detects a motion.

You can also send a simple SMS to receive directly on your phone a report, where you will see the status of all functionalities installed on your GSM listening device.

Once you get hold of your bug, you also have to get to know the characteristics of the place where you intend to plant it, as well as the duration of the surveillance operation, in order to choose the most suitable power option for our needs. In fact, if the bug will have to stay away from us for a long time, or if we need a continuous monitoring, we will have to power it through the mains, in order to avoid performance gaps caused by a low or exhausted battery.

We will not have this kind of problem if our surveillance operation is a short-term one (up to one week), and non continuous, as in this case a normal 9V battery will be more than enough. Once the location and the power option of your bug have been set up, we will have to set up the usage mode.

At this point we will have to choose whether we will be calling our bug, or it will be calling us. Also, if installed inside a vehicle, we will have to choose whether we want or not to receive an SMS notification as soon as the car’s engine is started or stopped.

In order to make all this possible, we will have to choose the phone numbers that are enabled to call our bug to listen to the conversations around it, or those towards which the bug will call directly as soon as its sensor picks up a motion or a voice. For bugs planted inside a vehicle, we will have to set up the number towards which a notification must be sent in this case.

At the same time, you can set the sensitivity level of the activation sensor, in order to minimize the possibility of false alarms, caused by some noise coming from outside. For each of these functions, a maximum of three numbers enabled to control the device can be set.

Along with all the functions highlighted above, by sending a simple SMS you can run several utilities, such as restarting the bug, resetting it to factory settings, switching it off to prevent it from being detected by bug sweepers, enabling or disabling the flashing LED light, or setting up callback options in case of line failure.

In a few words, as you can see, by using the GSM bugs you have at your disposal a faithful friend for your surveillance operations, with a high degree of flexibility that allows you to tailor its usage to best suit your needs, to make sure that success is achieved without any risk!