Stealth Phone, the untraceable phone

Untraceable Phone? Those who, either professionally or as simple users, are involved with telecommunication security, know that encryption of telephone calls makes them more difficult to be bugged, but not impossible, especially if only one of the two users engaged in a conversation is using an encrypted mobile phone, while on the other side, his counterpart is using a common cellphone, which may be comfortable but is constantly exposed to the threat of eavesdropping.

To make sure that its calls can not be listened to, an encrypted cellphone must communicate with a similar equipment, which carries the same encoding key. By using this protection, a third party listener would only be able to hear noises; this means that encrypted mobile phones are not safe from eavesdropping per se, but make it impossible to understand the content of an eavesdropped phone call.

What is an untraceable phone?

On the other hand, using a Stealth Phone you have in your hands a device which does not encrypt or encode its calls, but makes itself impossible to detect for any interception attempt, by dynamically changing its IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) number, that is, the number that uniquely identifies every handset.

In fact, telephone interception operations are carried out not only based on the telephone number, but also according to this identification number, allowing a malicious third party to intercept your calls even if you change your SIM card on your phone. This because it’s not only the number that is scanned, but also (and mostly) the handset itself.

By changing its IMEI number each time that it is turned on or off, or any time that you change the SIM card on the inside, a Stealth Phone basically turns itself into a new cellphone every time.

The IMEI number is made up of 15 digits, which makes it virtually impossible that the numbers, automatically generated by a software installed on your Stealth phone, could ever be repeated; by doing this, every day you will have a different phone, and will be protected from third party listeners who may have picked up your IMEI number.

In the very unlikely event of an unauthorized access attempt, you will instantly receive a notification, either via an alert message or a discreet vibration; all you have to do at this point is turn off your untraceable phone, then turn it off again to be able to resume your conversation where you left off, without any further privacy concern.

In a few words, the difference between encrypted cellphones and invisible mobile phones lies in the fact that, while an encrypted phone protects the contents of the call by making it impossible to understand, Stealth protects the phone call itself, making it impossible to intercept.

In the same fashion, though, usage of a Stealth Phone does not guarantee protection against any eavesdropping which might be aimed not at us, but rather at our counterpart; for this reason, when you are engaged in a phone call that you would like to keep as strictly confidential as can be, it is advisable that both parties use the same kind of protection.

A phone call between to untraceable Stealth handsets protects you completely against outside listeners, allowing you to freely discuss the most confidential and private of, without any fear that your words may be picked up by prying ears and used against you.

For more information about how an untraceable phone works, as well as on encrypted phones and a wide range of devices for protection of your privacy, we recommend that you visit the Endoacustica website, where you can contact our experts for advice tailored on your needs.