A high security USB drive

A high security USB drive

One of the main reasons for headaches, when using USB sticks to transfer data files from one computer to the other, especially if the transported files contain sensitive or private data, is that the key may, one way or the other, end up in the wrong hands, along with the data and files that it contains, with all the possible negative consequences that one may imagine.

How a high security USB drive protect oneself?

To protect oneself from such kind of threat, the usage of USB encrypted keys is becoming more and more widespread, while the USB drives are becoming bigger (up to 256 GB of capacity) and most importantly, much safer than before, thanks to the application of several encryption technologies, which aim at making the data inaccessible for a non authorized user.

The latest example under this point of view is coming from the encrypted drive manufactured by the Californian company Super Talent, specializing in high security data storage devices and solutions.

Their new high security USB drive, called SuperCrypt, is equipped with AES type hardware encryption, and thanks to the USB 3.0 standard, it ensures an extremely high operating speed, which allows for a very quick transfer of large files (for example, transferring a 600 MB movie file would not take more than 7 seconds).

This USB drive is, of course, password protected, and is available with two different encoding levels (at 128 or 256 bit), which guarantee absolute protection for the data stored on your stick. The storage capacity varies from 16 to 256 GB, with different security and speed features depending on model and capacity of your choice.