Sim-Fi, the first SIM card with a WiFi router

Sim-Fi, the first SIM card with a WiFi router

Wifi router? Our mobile phones have literally become handheld computers, and they offer the opportunity of being constantly connected to the Net, so as not to lose contact with our work or our email, not even for a second. Now, aside from connecting to the Internet via GPRS or WiFi router, they can become WiFi hotspots themselves, connecting to other wireless-enabled devices available nearby. How is this possible? Thanks to SIM-Fi, the first SIM card with built-in WiFi.

This card, manufactured by Sagem-Orga, one of the world leading producers of SIM cards, can house, in spite of its tiny size, along with the standard telephone technology, also a WiFi chip, which makes you able to use your handset as if it was a router, to connect your computer to the net even where there is no connection or no signal, and mostly to share this connection with your friends’ or colleagues’ computers.

How a SIM Card With WiFi Work?

Thanks to the WiFi signal coming from SIM-Fi enable cellphones, there is no more need for Bluetooth, and if you have the right data plan tariff, any people around you using a WLAN-enabled mobile phone will be able to use your sim card with WiFi, without having to spend a fortune on a GPRS connection. In short, your mobile phone will be turned into a WiFi hotspot, accessible to other users simply by authenticating with the network key, or freely is the network is open.

The only actual problem is a practical one, as currently, SimFi is not yet compatible with common mobile phones as its size is a tad bigger than the standard. For this reason, it will take some cooperation from phone manufacturers, who should use bigger slots which can house both SimFi and normal SIMs.