Video recorder glasses

Video recorder glasses

Video Recorder Glasses? For those who would like to shoot video footage of what they are seeing, either for leisure or for many different professional reasons, but is not capable of using a normal video camera as this would mean diverting their attention from other tasks, or simply because they would need to avoid making other people aware that their actions are being recorded, video technology lends a hand.

How is this possible? Thanks to the usage of special video recorder glasses. At a first glance, no one will be able to notice or suspect that, inside what looks like your ordinary pair of glasses, you are concealing a miniature video camera, with an equally tiny video recording system and an embedded memory card, with a 4 Gb capacity on which you will be able to save hour and hours of invisibly shot footage.

How video recorder glasses are useful?

Possibilities of use of such a small video recording system are practically countless: in origin, these glasses with camera were designed to be used by police forces and law enforcement agencies for covert operations, for example such as evidence and intelligence gathering, or identification of dangerous criminals. Of course though, its extremely small size makes it suitable also in a wide range of completely different applications.

For example, you can put these video recording glasses to good use, to shoot videos of a bicycle or motorcycle trip, or a downhill ski race, or maybe just to play a “candid camera” trick on your friends. Alternatively, they can find possibilities of applications even in your office, for example to film an important meeting.

To obtain more information about the several types of video recorder glasses available for you, and advice on the best way to use them, we recommend that you visit the Endoacustica website.