Bug sweeping, to keep your conversations secure

Bug sweeping, to keep your conversations secure

Bug Sweeping? When in your workplace or office you are discussing important business strategies or information, last any level, secrecy is a vital factor, especially if one of the keys to success is being faster than your competitors. Therefore, it is essential that any information exchanged during a decision-making meeting is kept safe and protected against prying ears, especially if there are substantial sums of money at stake.

In order to keep your environment secure, it is advisable to resort to technological aid, for example by installing a bug sweeping system which can use different ways to keep our conversations private. For example, to be reassured that no one has placed micro transmitters or hidden microphones in your office, you can use a bug detector, which would immediately expose any radio or GSM transmission source within its operating range.

Alternatively, to thwart any listening attempts that may take place by using a mobile phone (or, as explained above, through a GSM bug) you can use a signal jammer, which will create some sort of “island” where mobile phones can neither receive nor transmit, thus achieving two results in one: no news could leak outside, and no one will be able to disturb your meeting with an unwanted or untimely phone call, and the decision making process will not be influenced or disturbed by anyone outside.

Of course, in case of a bug sweeping operation that will be looking for concealed bugs or microphones, it is always advisable to consult an expert who will accurately scan and inspect your office or home, trying to locate any miniature listening devices that may be endangering the privacy of our job or of our personal life.