The new Untraceable cell phones, against unwelcome listeners

The new Untraceable cell phones, against unwelcome listeners

Untraceable cell phones can serve many purposes. Even though all the song and dance that we are witnessing in Italy about the law that would regulate (that is, limit) the usage of telephone wiretapping would only benefit a few people who would want their dirty business to remain secret, it is actually true that, at least theoretically, there is a problem concerning eavesdropping; that is, our phone calls are at risk because the GSM network, as it has been proven several times, is not completely secure.

Untraceable cell phones and their background

Therefore, this places us at risk of having our conversations intercepted by prying ears, and that the information gathered could be used against us. Of course, for those who live an ordinary life, the risk of having their calls listened to by a third party does not pose a serious threat.

But for those who have interests to protect, because their professional activity moves substantial amounts of money, or simply because they want their private matters to remain confidential, the danger of telephone wiretapping might mean losing a big order, or even having to close down their business, not to mention potential family problems.

To protect ourselves against mobile phone interception, it is possible to use a tool that makes sure that no one can listen to our conversations. The Stealth untraceable cell phones delivers absolute protection against the possibility of being intercepted, by adopting a dynamic defense strategy.

Untraceable cell phones

How the untraceable cell phones work

To understand how untraceable cell phones work, you should keep in mind that wiretapping on our mobile phone can be done not only by the phone number, but mostly by keeping track of phone calls placed and received by a specific handset, intercepting it by its IMEI number, that is, the 15-digit number that uniquely identifies every single telephone. So, changing your SIM card is no use if you are being intercepted, and it would actually place you into a greater risk, as while you think you are protected, you may reveal secrets and compromising details.

Instead, the Stealth Phone, thanks to a modification in its installed firmware, can automatically change its IMEI number each time it is switched on and off, or after each call; the IMEI number can also be changed manually. By doing this, even though you are physically using the same handset, for the network operator (and for those who want to discover our secrets) it will be like you are using a different phone each time.

In the extremely unlikely case that an interception attempt should be detected, your invisible Stealth phone will warn you immediately, by a sound or a vibration. In such cases, all you have to do is close your call and change the IMEI number, either manually or by switching the phone off and on again. At this point, with a new IMEI number it will be like having a new (and non traceable) phone, so you will be able to resume your call where you left it.

Of course, using a untraceable cell phones does not protect you if it is your conversation counterpart who is being intercepted. Therefore, for those who call always the same person (a business partner or spouse) it is recommended that both use a Stealth Phone, in order to keep your conversations 100% secure and protected.

For more information on operation and different models of untraceable mobile phones, with prices and characteristics, we recommend that you visit the Endoacustica website and request a tailored consulting, one of our operators will contact you shortly.