Encrypted phones, the solution for your privacy

Encrypted phones, the solution for your privacy

Encrypted Phones? In recent years, the profile of telephone communications has changed dramatically. Until 20 years ago, it was possible to be reached only if you were near a landline phone, while during a journey or when away from home, one could not be able to communicate with the outside world, except if he was using a now almost defunct payphone.

When mobile phones came into the picture, the ubiquity of telephone communications has increased exponentially, so that now it has become impossible to live without being reachable anywhere, at any moment of our day.

While the constant accessibility is an advantage for our work and personal relationships, on the other side, “being reachable” can be translated as “being traceable” or even “intercepted”.
The very nature of cellular communication, in fact, implies that the phone constantly sends its location to the network operator, so that the details of our position are always recorded.

Similarly, our communications are potentially at risk of interception, either by the telephone operators or the police, or from unauthorized listeners who, if equipped with the appropriate technology, can listen to our private or business conversations, with devices that allow them to intrude encrypted networks and crack the encryption keys, thus freely listening to any conversations without being noticed.

How encrypted phones help?

To protect us from this risk, it is certainly useful to add a further level of security, by using devices such as an encrypted phone. Encrypted mobile phones are ordinary smartphones on which a software is installed that can encrypt conversations, email and text messages sent over the phone, through algorithms which are currently considered the gold standard in terms of security: AES and Twofish.

Thanks to a 256-bit encryption key, the encrypted phones communicate via the telephone are virtually unassailable. To maintain their conversations 100% secure, the user should simply send the encryption key to their partner, who in turn will install it on his mobile phone.

At this point, communication between the two phones is safe. In fact, any attempt at eavesdropping will still be able to intercept the call, but all that they will be able to listen to is an unintelligible noise, which may be turned to regular voice only by those in possession of the relevant encryption key.
Of course, those who buy a phone of this kind may be wondering if the equipment does not contain any secrets or backdoors, and if his phone calls are really safe from intrusions, even by those who sold him the equipment.

To dispel such doubts, GSM Crypto comes with an “open source” code, which any developer or programmer can analyze independently, to be reassured about its complete safety and reliability.
In this way, those purchasing a GSM Crypto can make sure not only that the phone works as required, but that no one else apart from those who are on the phone will be able to listen to their conversations.

By using an encrypted phone, therefore, your interests and your personal life will be completely safe from any external access that can pose a threat.
For more details and information on how encrypted phones work, you may visit the Endoacustica website, where not only you can contact our experts for an advice tailored to your needs, but also find a series of articles for protection of your privacy and personal safety.