Marital infidelity, the Net is the new frontier

Marital infidelity, the Net is the new frontier

According to statistics, cases of increasing marital infidelity worldwide are on the rise. In fact, according to research from the Italian Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, at least 55% of husbands and 45% of wives have cheated on their spouse at least once.

A large chunk of this increase is certainly due to the widespread presence of social networks, which allow people to start more easily a correspondence with people of the opposite sex, thus creating the conditions for an extramarital fling.

Why Is Increasing Marital Infidelity a Threat?

Thanks to Facebook, a bored or unsatisfied husband or wife can find an old boyfriend or girlfriend from school days, and the correspondence can eventually lead to meeting for a coffee or perhaps something else.

The possibilities of increasing marital infidelity offered by the virtual world allow even the shyest ones to overcome insecurities due to a not always perfect physical appearance, leaving aside their fears, and freely express their hidden or repressed true personality. From this to a secret meeting, the road is not too long, and in no time the statistics of Marital Infidelity could have one more case.

In Italy, for example, there is a specialized website for finding short-term partners (no, we are not giving you the address…), and it contributes to increasing marital infidelity a perfect example of “technologically assisted adultery” where everyone can find a casual partner compatible with their tastes and privacy needs. This site already has over 90,000 members, most of which are of course men, especially over forty years of age.

On the one hand, however, if technology is a great help in Marital Infidelity for those who are in search of adventure, on the other side it can also become their worst enemy; in fact, many cases of adultery are discovered by wives or husbands, who notice a suspicious or stealthy attitude in their loved one, and spy a mobile phone in search of compromising signs such as a message or phone call.

A good half of Marital Infidelity cases, in fact, are exposed by snooping on cell phones, while the remaining half is split more or less equally between hiring a private detective, checking spouses’ email correspondence or taking an active technological stance, by using a spy phone, which lets you listen to its user’s calls, in real time and invisibly, and also gives you access to all messages, incoming and outgoing, while the user is completely unaware.

In short, while technology provides unexpected opportunities for cheating spouses, on the other, the cheated husband or wife can use it take a nice revenge …