Attention to the new gadgets of thieves

Attention to the new gadgets of thieves

This may be the last discover of ingenious thieves who don’t hesitate to resort to the technology to hit unsuspecting victims. There are so many new theft gadgets on the market.

The news of recent months shows several cases where someone complains of being robbed, at home or in the company, after agreeing to unknowns small gadgets, deployed on the street, particularly at the crossings or when the light is red.

New Theft Gadgets On The Market

The hypothesis is that these gadgets (lighters, key chains or luck charms) conceal internal micro locators that are able to track the movements of the victims and, at the right time, allow to the criminals to enter in their environments and rob them.

For example, it’s circulating a warning by the police which states: “These days are distributed key rings to attach inside your car. People offer them for free at parking lots or fuel distributors. Don’t accept them. They contain a microchip. These criminals will then follow you and so they know your movements to make intrusions and thefts”.

For example, it’s circulating a warning by the police which states: “These days are distributed key rings to put inside your car. People offer them for free at parking lots or fuel distributors. Don’t accept them. They contain a microchip. These criminals will follow you and so they will know your movements to the aim of intrusions and theft”.

The police is therefore faced with super technological criminals even able to insert a GPS transmitter and a power source of long duration in the limited space of a keychain or any other small gadgets. Operation worthy of the best companies of espionage.

Of course there is no surprise seen that in recent times, the stratagems adopted by the criminals to carry out robberies or burglaries have become increasingly refined.

The police are gearing up with detectors that can evidence the presence of micro systems, impossible to recognize with the naked eye, as in the case of key rings, lighters, lucky charms and similar items. Same thing can do private individuals: use a bug detector to clean up their environments. If the tracker is contained in so tiny gadget, let alone in larger objects. These micro systems come into the house through postal parcels, gifts, books and tools of all kinds. The protection has become an obligation.