How many people use encrypted apps? New reports from US research studies

How many people use encrypted apps? New reports from US research studies

Although encrypted messaging is well-known and taken into account everywhere, there is a remarkable number of people who still perseveres to ignore the huge contribution of this kind of softwares to mobile security. In order to make things clearer, past year some researchers from Google and Carnegie Mellon Univeristy in Pittsburgh presented a study at the Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) which held every year in Santa Clara, California.

The research results showed that nearly 7% of the more than 1,500 surveyed people used to employ apps in such a way that actually wasn’t safe. This means that security app value is definitely underrated!

Is it cool to use these encrypted apps?

But even more incredible is the fact that the most of asked people adduced they made use of encrypted apps because their friends or relatives did the same, not indeed for securing their messages! Not surprisingly, the most-used apps, such as Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts, or till a few months ago even WhatsApp, do not use end-to-end messaging encryption at all. Anyway it’s time to admit we’re still so far behind a full mobile security awareness.

Nevertheless nowaday there are specific mobile devices that allow a complete and automatic usage of encrypted apps without any user intervention, such as the so called encrypted cell phones which provide a total protection when it comes to communicate or use web browser, social networks, messaging platforms etc. Not only, some of the above mentioned devices are also able to protect the user against mobile phone eavesdropping or privacy breakdown. So if you are really concerned about your mobile communications as well as disdained about the ignorance that turns around these powerful protection tools, why do not try to consider using an encrypted mobile phone? It will be surely worth to attain your full mobile phone security!