Why to choose a radiofrequency audio bug?

Why to choose a radiofrequency audio bug?

Before going on to list the advantages of a radio frequency bug, compared to a common GSM bug, we would like to focus on the differences between the two types of transmitters. Thus we will do it by linking ourselves to our business experience saying: radio bugs will continue to have a great importance on the spy market also in the next years. Why?

Because radiofrequency audio bugs come up to a lot of expectations!

A radiofrequency audio bug transmitter has a wider audio spectrum than a GSM bug, as this latter device is closely linked to mobile bandwidth. A radiofrequency bug has clearly superior audio quality. Actually it can be used in many application fields, thanks to its small size suited to concealment, as well as can work H24 on battery. Futhermore it can be installed even in places with low or even absent GSM signal.

Within radiofrequency system categories we can distinguish two types of signal modulation: analog and digital. This latter one can make the user able to set some kind of parameters, such as output power, starting-up at preset times or days as well as the ability to become completely invisible to many bug sweeping systems. Actually the only limit is listening distance, as it is directly addicted to the signal strength or the receiver used.

How to choose a professional RF bug transmitter

On the market there are several radio bugs models ensuring a perfect interaction under a lot of installation circumstances: bugs working by battery or directly powered from the mains, wave conveyed transmitters working by cable transmission, as well as some digital bugs used in under cover operations or hard places.


Well, said that, you did certainly realize that an absolute solution doesn’t exist. We can only suggest you to choose a bug transmitter that best fits your purposes or modus operandi.