Are you also a victim of micro-cheating? Let’s find out!

Are you also a victim of micro-cheating? Let’s find out!

Do you believe you won’t never be affected by cheating? Do not blindly trust your emotional control efforts! Cause in the past you might have put in place some micro-cheating behavioural actions, without even knowing it.

The question raised on the net some months ago thanks to an interview released to Daily Mail on line journal by the australian psychologist Melanie Schilling, who put a spotlight on the word “micro-cheating”, although actually the term has been taken into consideration by Urban Dictionary since years. Anyway there under the voice “micro-cheating” we read: “Small acts considered disloyal within a relationship, nothing too serious but not innocent either”.

Focus on Yourself to Avoid Micro-cheating

In short, according to the australian scientist, we should actually focus on ourselves to avoid micro-cheating actions caused by the spread of new technologies, especially social network e.g. chatting with other users, sharing online games, making advances on someone by posting explicit content etc. In short, she wanted to underline all those behaviors that somehow could lead to infidelity.

But let’s see how to get out of the phenomena by treating this new sort of psychological “disease” so as not to be overwhelmed by it. The word to consider in this case is always the same: honesty. Whether toward yourself, i.e. avoiding to engage in compromising behaviors whenever possible, either toward your partner, if you instead have made up your mind to make your intentions clear. And what about those victims who are gripped by doubt? Well, in this case you can also rely on private investigator services or use some professional surveillance devices that, even if ineffective in healing you from your psychological wound, are actually helpful to show you things from another perspective.