Do you have a vehicles fleet? Track them by GPS

Do you have a vehicles fleet? Track them by GPS

vehicle fleet tracker? For companies that have a fleet of company vehicles, either cars entrusted to agents, sales representatives or managers, or trucks for cargo transportation, it is important to keep their movements under control, not only to make sure that it is used according to company guidelines instead of personal use, but also to intervene promptly in case of an inconvenience or an accident, which can always happen to those who travel a lot for work.

How a vehicle fleet tracker uses a GPS system?

For example, to make sure that agents do not overdo with personal use of company cars, or that they do not use it to run a business of their own or with competitors, it can be useful to equip the car with a GPS tracker which, once mounted inside the car in an invisible way thanks to its tiny size, allows you to remotely receive its position at any time, and make sure that everything is under control.

Since it has a SIM card just like the one you have on your mobile phone, you can just send a simple SMS at any time, to receive immediately a message containing information regarding their vehicles fleet whereabouts, even for more than one vehicle at the time (up to 40).

This vehicle fleet tracker is connected to a monitoring software which, installed on the monitoring computer at your office, can keep track of all cars. Thanks to this software, you can track the movements of any vehicle during the day and have them displayed with a graphic animation, with all data saved on a history file that you can retrieve at any time.

For more information concerning this GPS tracking devices, along with a wide range of products for monitoring, surveillance and protection of your safety, we recommend that you visit the Endoacustica website, where you can contact our online experts for a specific consulting service.