Listening devices are safe, for now

Listening devices are safe, for now

Listening Devices? Those who have followed political life in Italy lately will certainly have noticed how the headlines are no longer arguing about the proposed bill, better known as “gag bill,” which was supposed to impose limitations on advan-gard telephone wiretapping devices, while at the same time it was raising serious doubts about his legitimacy and the real reason why this bill was supposed to pass.

Is Listening Devices being safe?

Difficulties within the Centre-right coalition, and the split of a party only apparently monolithic and centered on Berlusconi’s figure as an absolute Chief, have taken the spotlight, leaving discussion on this bill in the shade. To tell the truth, the bill on eavesdropping has been one of the reasons for this crisis of listening devices, ultimately leading to a split between supporters of the absolute Chief and those, in the coalition that supports the Government, that keep ears and eyes open to listen to the cry for law, order and honesty coming not only from their electorate, but from electors of other parties.

The ones that just left the PDL party had already raised exceptions and suggested amendments to the gag bill, so much that it would have been completely changed, taking it into a direction that, obviously, would not have been useful for the interests of the Prime Minister and of others who would silently have benefited from this law.

Therefore, because of this split, the Berlusconi administration is no longer (or not only) negotiating amendments to the bill that would regulate the recourse to advanced listening devices, but also to reach a stable majority to keep ruling the country.

For what it matters, from our little corner on the Web, we will maintain our no to a bill that does not really heed the cry for privacy coming from the common man (who will have nothing to fear if he leads an honest life), but rather heeds that coming from those who would not want their dirty deals to be exposed.