How I spy on you in the office or in any other places using an ordinary calculator

How I spy on you in the office or in any other places using an ordinary calculator

A calculator is the perfect solution for spying. Really? Let’s explain. At the present time gossip seems to be trendy and self-protection from those people who may damage our reputation can reveal a winning strategy. Just think about your work environment where envy and rise to fame often push the people to discredit their colleagues.

And what about those ones who have been subjected by mobbing daily and who have seen their own world collapse because of an oppressive and unscrupulous boss? In short, list might get longer and longer up to include other environments, such as family and social environments. So, how can we put it right? Use a calculator, yes a calculator. Read more to see what we mean.

Well, there would be a way out of this, even if this decision should be taken discreetly and in extreme situations only, fully aware that infringing somebody’s privacy is to be considered a crime. We are talking about the use of audio surveillance devices which make possible the monitoring of places or people covertly, so that your opponent’s moves can be predicted.

A multitude of that kind of devices exists and they are already on the market: from radio frequency audio transmitters to unlimited distance GSM listening devices up to UMTS video bugs even enabling to see what is going on in those specific places to be monitored.
In this article we are going to deal with a unique audio wiretap that does not beat all as far as concern discretion: it is GSM-CALC. It is an ordinary digital calculator with a liquid crystal display and a GSM audio transmitter inside. This means that wherever you put it, you will be able to listen to what is occurring in a given situation.

Hidden Listening Device In Your Calculator

Let’s imagine that you are relaxing, leaning on your sofa or you are driving when suddenly your calculator calls you. Yes, it is just like that: an ordinary call from your device allows you to listen to what is happening in your office, just picking up.

Who knows, maybe you will finally manage to get that somebody is talking about you – or even, he or she is bad-mouthing ill of you! That is right; one of the most interesting functions of this device allows you to directly tune in thanks to the “call back” procedure, in other words a vocal recall activated by sound. But it does not stop there: for instance, authorization to access to the audio of certain phone numbers can be set up.

At this point somebody may wonder how he or she could use this hyper technological device if he or she is even not able to use a Smartphone properly. Don’t panic: integrated GSM transmitter is activated and deactivated by sending a text message to the SIM hidden into the device. So there are no trickery or technical concepts. SPY-CALC will work just exactly when and how you want it.

Visit our website to get more technical details or buy SPY-CALC immediately.