Worrying escalation of cyber crime around the world. Which are the most affected economical sectors?

Worrying escalation of cyber crime around the world. Which are the most affected economical sectors?

According to the Global Threat Intelligence Report 2017 of NTT Security Group, dealing with the cyber crime trend analysis, in recent years the cyber piracy concerning companies has been increased somewhat. Which are the most affected economical sectors? First of all finance and public administration with a 14% per head of total. Then we find manufacturing companies (13%), retail (11%), education and business (10%), non-profit (7%) technology, health and gaming (5%), transport and insurance (2%). In the end, hospitality and recreation with the 1%.

Cyber Crime – A Very Real Threat

The report in question is related on the monitoring of thousands of business companies owned by the group which detected over 3.5 trillion logs and 6.2 billion attacks led against companies. The three most affected nations are the United States (63%), Britain (4%), and China (3%), hit by attacks of phishing, email fraud, DDoS and social engineering operations.

However the most worrying thing is the total number of attacks: 6 billion a year, which would be roughly 16 million and over daily! A foolish situation which would destabilize even the most pessimistic security analyst.

Thus anyone should reflect on the importance of protecting its own company. But CEOs and business executives are not only worried about computer security. Let’s consider for instance the case of the unauthorized mobile phone tapping. In fact this practice is equally growing all over the world and is used to steal very important corporate informations.

Anyway there are some safe mobile phones able to protect calls and messages by means of call encryption, or by attempting alarm tapping notices as well as to change IMEI code, as effectively happens about the untraceable GSM and undetectable mobile phone Stealth Phone.

In short, if your company is sailing in these dangerous waters, do not alarm: you can always get out of it adopting effective counter-surveillance instruments. Before it’s too late.