Professional spy bugs: why it is important to rely on top expert surveillance companies

Professional spy bugs: why it is important to rely on top expert surveillance companies

Professional spy bugs can be easily bought online but should they be bought by just any vendor? The ultimate european statistics linked to online commerce are very encouraging. In fact, the revenue of global ecommerce for the past year is around 600 billion euros (24 billion only in Italy!), with an overall increase of almost 15% more of the previous year. This includes the purchase of professional spy bugs.

Nonetheless, in this idyllic digital universe studded with e-stores and online products, there is a flaw that, if not properly dammed, can belittle the efforts of those who over the years have made of quality their own battle horse. That’s right, companies with a certain proven reputability are suddenly forced to compete with a lot of newborn realities, most of them endowed of low value assessment and poor product quality.

This trend shows an emerging danger in the sale of electronic surveillance devices. In this specific commercial field, in fact, companies are exposed to the verification of certain technical / commercial skills, first of all a deep product knowledge, quality control and uncommon communication skills. The professional spy bug sales sector, for example, requires a particular approach to customerhip because of its connection with unusual and tricky realities, well known to a top expert surveillance company.

Regarding quality parameters, here are the main characteristics of reliability that a professional spy bug should absolutely have:

  • materials fitting the environment in which it is going to operate
  • optimal audio (or video) reception quality
  • targeted and personalized use
  • small size and ease of concealment
  • long-term operation
  • guarantee of success into investigative strategies

As well as it is important that the vendor can provide a full service assistance, especially of post-assistance, in order to be sure that the client is using the device in a correct way. For e.g. it is essential to determine together whith client which product meets his needs, following him in the early stages of installation, or be ready to solve any request or difficulty found. In some cases, the mentioned request can also be asked at impossible times.

Types and Advantages of Professional Spy Bugs

Well, it’s time to go on drawing up a list of which professional spy bugs are mostly used and their related advantages:

  • GSM/UMTS spy bug: a GSM bug works on mobile network, so it has the advantage of being ‘heard’ from any distance through a simple phone call. A professional UMTS bug  , instead, can additionally capture video if necessary
  • Digital radiofrequency  WFM UHF spy bug : this kind of transmitter is very small and work interfaced with a receiver to listen within the bug range. Greater power corresponds to greater listening distance
  • WiFi micro-camera: although this kind of device does not belong to the narrow circle of real bugs, it allows you to have a continuous connection (via smartphone or PC) in order to remotely control any environment

In short, commercializing GSM, UHF, WiFi, etc. professional bugs it’s not for everyone. We need people able to put in place a peculiar approach to sale, or a type of intervention aimed at customers, that most of companies you can see at a glance in search engine results may rarely offer!