Long-wave infrared cameras to drive safely at night

Infrared Cameras? Some luxury cars already sport cameras which use near-infrared (NIR) light to see more clearly obstacles or dangers on the road at night. Using these radiations, though, requires the car to be fitted with infrared headlights. In alternative, one can use thermal image cameras, which on the other

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Eavesdropping devices, it’s not the end yet

Eavesdropping Devices? Those who follow Italian political life will certainly be aware of the controversy that the bill on telephone eavesdropping is arising not only between the ruling coalition and its opposition, but also within the Italian governmental majority. Not only the centre-left opposition, but a large chunk of the

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A spy airship as big as a football field

Technology keeps thrusting forward, especially in the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) field, where new pilotless aircraft, always smaller and more powerful, are being created every second day. Sometimes though, time seems to leap backwards, and in this specific field it seems to give an unexpected nod to good old airships,

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Thermal cameras, for clear images even in the dark of night

When you are out on the open sea, surrounded by total darkness, it is very difficult to notice and be aware of an impending danger, especially if this danger is represented by other boats approaching your with lights off and with not exactly friendly intentions. For boats that are not

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Micro helicopters can perch on walls just like insects

Micro helicopters? The latest novelty in the MAV (Micro Aerial Vehicles) field is coming from the heart of old Europe, and more precisely from Switzerland, where a student from the Ecole Polytechnique Federale in Lausanne is at work on the development of a swarm of flying micro transmitters, capable of

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Freedom of expression is at risk, to provide more security

Freedom of Expression under threat by the gag bill of cybersecurity? Just like it is happening (or at least, some are trying to make it happen) in Italy, where the Berlusconi government is trying to have a bill approved which would dramatically limit freedom of expression, thus placing a gag

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The first supersonic jet with vertical takeoff and landing

Supersonic Jet? For the first time in history of military aviation, a jet fighter capable of taking off and landing vertically, and also equipped with Stealth capabilities to escape enemy radars, has been able to flay beyond the wall of sound. How supersonic jet able to take off and land

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A wall is not enough to stop a radar camera

Radar Camera? In Japan, researchers from the public broadcasting company NHK are working on the development of a new kind of camera called “millimeter wave”, which works with a principle similar to radars, and is capable of visualizing images of objects and people thanks to the usage of radio waves

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How not to lose a single detail out of your CCTV footage

CCTV footage monitoring ? When you are using a closed circuit TV system, in case of particular events it may happen to have to sit and closely watch hours and hours of footage that always looks the same, to find those few seconds in which something important is happening and try

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