Spain: a trojan to spy on suspects

A virus of State, a trojan, perfectly legal, to be installed on computers, smartphones and tablets of those is under suspicion. The proposal comes from Spain and if it passes, will allow to the authorities – after the penal code reform – to spy on any electronic devices of a

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How U.S. monitor citizens

US Citizens are being monitored – How? A few days ago it appeared the news about high controls implemented by the National Security Agency with the tacit agreement of the White House and the Department of Justice, in short, for account of the U.S. Government to monitor the US Citizens.

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The technology applied to the surveillance at school

With the increasing use by the young people of smartphones, tablets and electronic devices with internet connection, it became necessary to take countermeasures in order to ensure the smooth conduct of tests, exams and competitions. It’s clear the absolute prohibition of any technological aid during the written tests. Obviously the

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Everybody wants drones

In the U.S. everybody wants a drone, many civil administrations have request them. The Federal Aviation Administration is looking for six sites where realize tests to the use of drones (unarmed) in national territory and it has received offers from numerous organizations from 37 states. There isn’t money for the

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The answer to the wiretapping: the Stealth Phone

More and more frequently, on newspapers’ headlines, we can read news about telephone wiretapping of conversations between politicians, business men, public officials and “important” people. Nowadays, anyone who knows even just a little of a person in certain circles risks that his conversations are intercepted. The only solution is the

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The electronic bracelets will change our daily life

The introduction of wearable electronic devices like electronic bracelets will bring profound changes in our daily lives. After the smart glasses, comes Myo, the bracelet designed by the U.S. Thalmic Labs. It’s enough move your fingers to interact with your PC and other devices: scroll the pages up or down, start

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The functional clothing: between defense and help

More and more often the clothing assumes functional roles well as aesthetic. Just think of military equipment or articles for extreme sports. A garment that contains both previous examples can surely be the Endoacustica suit with rubber shock  (purchased separately). The fabric that carries the padding, is in lycra, while

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U.S.: a mosquito for the military espionage

A small insect like a mosquito is in reality a very powerful micro-drone could even kill. It’s the latest toy of U.S. Army that seems to use it since 2007, although in the early years has denied its existence. An insect drone, controlled long-distance, with a camera, microphone and syringe

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Riot, the Google-spy

“The Guardian” has revealed a few days ago the existence of Riot browser (Rapid Overlay Information Technology, but also like a “riot”, suggesting that the product can be used as a kind of social control). The software was developed in the USA by Raytheon, one of the greatest companies working in

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