Can text messages be intercepted?

Those who fear that their conversations could be intercepted phone, especially if they use the phone to discuss sensitive topics, confidential subjects or matters of a certain financial relevance, sometimes think that, to avoid being tapped, they can use SMS to communicate securely. Unfortunately for them, though, this is not

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Telephone harassment? Use a voice changer

Often, for a woman who lives alone, a call is not necessarily bringing good news or the warm sound of a friendly voice. On the contrary, as we can see from the growing number of telephone harassment and stalking cases anywhere in the world, sometimes at the other end of

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How to build your listening bug

Listening Bug can be built at home, For those who want to give audio surveillance a try and, despite not having the necessary resources to purchase a complete set of bugging devices and hidden microphones for secret listening, are equipped with a good deal of patience as well as some

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Spy on your neighbors, with a pen recorder

Sometimes, for various reasons, you may need to gather information discreetly, making sure that no one around you would be able to notice it. Certainly, one of the best ways to do this is by recording conversations, but this must be done without drawing unwanted attention. Therefore, it is necessary

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How to find out if my phone is intercepted?

In an era where intercepted communication is mostly happening via phone, wiretapping must also be able to follow the new trends and adopt new technologies. Unlike the eavesdropping of phone calls made on normal land line networks, however, cell phone interception does not require planting bugs on the line cable,

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GSM Bug, remote surveillance in 4 cm

Remote Surveillance? We heard more than once that “size does not matter”, and this is especially true in audio surveillance technology, in which very often the best results are achieved by using equipment the size of a few millimeters, which despite their tiny size are capable of providing outstanding performance.

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Marital infidelity? Fix it with a bug

Marital Infidelity? It happened to all of us, or at least most of us, to have doubts about the reliability of their spouses, perhaps because of odd behavior, suspicious phone calls or unexpected absences. Often it can happen, fortunately, that such fears will prove unfounded, but this is not always

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Military security and sturdiness for USB drives

Military Grade USB is a new thing in the market? One of the latest developments in the field of data security, when files and documents are traveling on a small USB drive, comes from Japan, where Adata has just presented its last product for data storage, which has military-grade specifications

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Tracking down pets, kids and objects … via radio!

Tracking Device for children and pets? Anyone who has children or pets, or often both, at home, knows that it is difficult, if not impossible, to curb their curiosity, which pushes them to take a look around, not only in hidden corners of the house, but also outside, looking for

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Long distance listening, without being noticed

Long Distance Listening through long distance microphones? How many times have we seen two people, whether friends or perfect strangers, engaged in a conversation, at a distance from which we could not hear what they were saying, and wanted to be able to hear it without being exposed? Of course,

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