Recording conversations secretly? Nice and easy

Miniature Recording Device has a lot of applications.  Anyone (and there are many) who has ever had a doubt about reliability of the people around them, have at least once asked themselves, how to take a secret recording of a conversation, for example, between his wife and her lover, or

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Mini tape recorder, for secret agents and not only

Mini Tape Recorder? Until a few years ago, the common man could rightly think that mini tape recorder were tools that could only be used by secret agents and spies, who were using them to collect evidence against their enemies or criminals; alternatively, they could be seen in the hands

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Organic batteries for an unlimited power supply

Organic Batteries? For those of us who would like to see the battery of their mobile phone last longer, especially if we are talking about smartphone owners, who know that this type of handset is known for the relatively short duration of a single charge of its battery, a solution

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A CCTV system that works like the human eye

Human CCTV System? Security operators are well aware that, when using closed circuit camera systems to monitor an environment with a high density of population, such as a stadium full of fans, it can be very difficult to identify suspicious movements that might endanger the safety of other viewers, such

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Encrypted phones, the solution for your privacy

Encrypted Phones? In recent years, the profile of telephone communications has changed dramatically. Until 20 years ago, it was possible to be reached only if you were near a landline phone, while during a journey or when away from home, one could not be able to communicate with the outside

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Solar power for soldiers in war zones

Solar Power? When talking about the cost to wage a war, one thinks of weapons, planes, tanks and ammunition, but we often underestimate the impact on this cost represented by fuel used to move heavy and light vehicles, or to run the power generators that provide electricity to areas where

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Saudi Arabia: A license for bloggers

Saudi Arabia’s blogging ban! Those who read the pages of this blog know our views about laws designed not only to impose limits on investigative activities of law enforcement , but also to freedom of information and expression, as was the case recently in Italy. Now the news from Saudi

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A spy glasses can record videos

Do Spy Glasses can record? As we have seen yesterday, the right kind of glasses can solve several problems, for example by helping visually impaired patients to see better in the dark and lead a better life. Along with helping those with eyesight deficiencies, the right pair of glasses can

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Your telephone company is remotely monitoring you

Telephone Company is monitoring you through a monitoring bracelet ! According to information coming from Japan, NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone), that is, the largest telephone and telecommunications company of the Land of the Rising Sun, is at work on an electronic bracelet, similar to those used to keep an

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